We have predicted the future (dating back to at least 2007 at Sunrise Advisors, and well before that individually and together) -- and your future is now.
From today's important update of the homepage of our Sunrise Advisors Website:
As of Summer, 2009, in the worst American and global economic, investment, and unemployment conditions in some 70 years, the major sustainability sourcing announcement by Wal-Mart, one of the world's largest retailers, that it now requires suppliers of all sizes to achieve new degrees of transparency and compliance that tangibly impact environmental labeling, other marketing and communications, and reporting is already having substantial (positive or negative for you?...your choice, as we at Sunrise Advisors have been saying individually and together to you and others since at least 2007) bottom line results on not only those businesses of all sizes, even those who do not do business with Wal-Mart today, but entire community and non-profit (non-governmental organization/NGO) support service infrastructures more than ever in this economy relying on corporate social responsibility (CSR) and/or (marketing and selling) earned income generation financial and other support essential now for your survival.
Whatever you or others might think or feel about Wal-Mart, the scale of this powerful corporation's financial, political, and (potentially) exponentially green impacts in communities in the United States, China, Mexico, and well beyond frankly cannot be ignored. Click here to learn more from the Cambridge and Boston area from one of the leading Harvard Business School professors on globalization, and specifically local impacts and empowerment since at least the 1990s, Rosabeth Moss Kanter, professor of strategy, innovation, and advanced leadership -- who writes very clearly to your benefit on what she describes as "Wal-Mart's Environmental Game-Changer." Professor Kanter has been named to The Times of London list of the 50 most powerful women in the world.
Click here for further details from a blog entry from "The TerraPass Footprint" from a leading carbon offsets company of how businesses of all sizes, non-profits, and communities will (in our consistently integrated view at Sunrise Advisors) have increasingly powerful financial bottom line and other incentives to integrate their operations and specific practices with doing well on -- and through -- the "Wal-Mart Sustainability Index." A highlight of this blog entry focuses on:
Wal-Mart engaged some 20 universities, a handful of environmental activist groups, associations like Business for Social Responsibility, many of (Wal-Mart's) key suppliers, and a small army of consultants. (The clothing and outdoor lifestyle products company) Patagonia's iconoclastic founder, Yvon Chouinard, has played a role. (Wal-Mart has) gone through a great deal of thinking and more than a few iterations. This was not some slap-dash (or exclusively public relations spin) effort...the most important question regarding...future impact is really just how committed Wal-Mart is to developing, refining, and publicizing the information they gather. At the moment, they seem quite serious about expanding their ruthless pursuit of supplier efficiency to encompass greener (definitely including more profitable) goals.
As a special section of the international business publication The Economist reports, a future of effectively communicating and achieving shared success is not just nice, but increasingly essential for your bottom line financial results. Click here.
INSEAD, another of the world's leading business schools (located in Fontainebleau, near Paris) has also made a compelling case for this timely thinking and business approach through its online "Knowledge." Click here.
Specifically, Renato J. Orsato, Senior Research Fellow at INSEAD, has written "Sustainability Strategies: When does it pay to be green?" as a practical guide to help companies obtain a competitive advantage out of their environmental investments; or in other words: How can (you) go about making green investments profitable? Because of the barrage of eco-investments ranging from ISO 14001 certification, reduction of CO2 emissions, to eco-branding that can easily (overwhelm) managers (and owners), Orsato says it is important that the right choices be made. In his words:
You need to be very specific in which type of eco-investment you want to invest (in your business or NGO/non-profit organization) and (know clearly) why. And the why depends very much on the kind of pressure you're having...it's not enough to be eco-efficient; it's not enough to reduce your impact, you have to show (that you are ever-deeper, exponentially green)."
As an article in the Stanford Social Innovation Review (SSIR) reports (based in the San Francisco Bay Area and Silicon Valley where we at Sunrise Advisors are based; however, we serve America and the world), it is especially essential for your survival and success to get green-inclined consumers, purchasers, donors, and/or supporters to actually spend money (vote with their pocketbooks) and take further action(s) that benefit the environment through you, helping consumers to overcome contradictions between their words and those actions. Click here.
A highlight of this SSIR publication from the Stanford Graduate School of Business Center for Social Innovation focuses on:
...(increased revenues through removing) five barriers -- namely lack of awareness, negative perceptions, distrust, high prices, and low availability. In other words, (you) must increase (green) awareness, improve (green) perceptions of quality, strengthen trust, lower the prices, and increase (green) availability.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Wal-Mart & Your Exponentially Green Game-Changer
Friday, July 10, 2009
Real World & Measurable Green Solutions To Climate Change & Job Losses In A G-Local World
From a recent Tweet on Friday, July 10, 2009 at http://www.twitter.com/etpickett -- Greener monetization of data, and measurable outcomes helping the planet AND economy G-Locally, please seriously review http://tr.im/rLTd
Saturday, July 4, 2009
American reGeneration this July 4th, 2009 and beyond!
Happy Independence Day America, July 4th, 2009!
We are learning of so much that is going on in Portland, Oregon that is hopeful in these very tough times there (Here is yet another example, with inspirational practicality, of "the we, not just the me." Cudos to Spencer Beebe, Ecotrust & the Jean Vollum Natural Capital Center.) -- and for so many across our country facing serious challenges, for our planet and for the animals really suffering here (near and on the California coast) and beyond in unprecedented ways. Frankly, not because it's "just nice," but because it's in our interests, we need to more than ever "hang together," or surely we shall "hang separately." Get it?!
The Power of Green (please watch the embedded video in the front page of the article) is now essential to the survival of your family, your community, your planet, and oh yeah...you!
From your young, hopeful British cousin, "see" what is possible now! This is YOUR call to action!
The Red, White & Blue must become very Green!