Tuesday, December 18, 2007

An Eco Time Was Had By All

On Saturday we attended the Eo Gift festival in Santa Monica, and it was truly a great day, with 150 fantastic exhibitors, folk music, organic munchies, and more. It was good to see so many eco startups, as well as companies that have been around for over ten years, selling everything from hemp clothing, to soy candles, elephant "dung" stationary, bamboo yoga clothes, jewelry made from materials in the Amazon, organic soaps and lotions, and t-shirts galore. It was truly "eco" heaven. The event, the first large scale holiday gift show for the eco-conscious, was founded by Tommy Rosen, a marketing and strategic partnership expert with extensive experience as a film and live event producer. Tommy launched Eco Gift Expo to address the "inconveniences, difficult emotions and incredible waste" associated with the holidays and holiday shopping. In 2005, Tommy co-produced the California Tomorrow Festival as part of The United Nations’ World Environment Day in San Francisco. The festival featured 50 renewable energy companies on display in San Francisco’s Civic Center Plaza and was attended by tens of thousands of people. This experience was pivotal in Tommy’s decision to commit to helping people make positive, healthful and sustainable lifestyle decisions. Tommy will continue to grow Eco Gift Expo and EcoGift.com to create new avenues for eco-conscious businesses to succeed.

Key Sponsors: Whole Foods, Los Angeles Times

Watch future blog entries for some of our favorite discoveries from the show!

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