Thursday, August 28, 2008

New Video - Eco Tuesday and Guest Speakers Sheryl O'Loughlin, founder of Nest Naturals

Sunrise Advisors (, a client of Carrie Freelance, attended their first ever Eco Tuesday event in San Francisco the other night, a networking event that brings together leaders in green business. The event typically features a guest speaker, and then an inspired "let's make a circle," where all participants have one minute or less to say what they are passionate about regarding sustainability. I said my passion was in writing and communicating about sustainable issues, as part of the Sunrise mission! It was quite an interesting group, everyone from design and marketing firms, to independent consultants, accountants, recent college graduates, teachers, and of course, eco entrepreneurs.

The guest speaker, Sheryl O'Loughlin, was amazing. In fact, she was one of the best speakers I ever heard, as she described having moved from being one of the top execs at Clif Bar, to founding her own company, Nest Naturals, (20 million in venture capital) which brings sustainable foods together under one roof. She talked about everything from venture capital, to learning about packaging, to sourcing food, to going from inspiration to funding and the realization of a dream. She got a standing ovation and rousing applause, and what really came through was her dedication to sustainability and her honesty and integrity as she talked about the challenge of staying true to oneself in the face of business dilemmas.

The video includes segments of her fantastic speech, as well as a promo for the new eco camera bag giveaway we are launching. See details in the video and the next blog post to come for more details!

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