Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Earth Day 2009 and beyond: YOUR CALL TO ACTION

No longer is the alignment of environmental protection and business development merely nice, or about global warming publicity or green consumerism, and renewable energy alone. Devastation in economic empowerment and employment (lost jobs) -- and public health -- from abusing our planet for too long, and its many "neighborhoods," including yours (!), is no longer isolated, or someone else's problem. This cannot be ignored yet again for one more day.

Whether it's the local Bay Area news reporting dangerous drugs and untreated sewage being illegally dumped in the San Francisco Bay, or this accurate, yet shocking in its accuracy (its cold, "dead zone" facts), Frontline television report on the equally substantial US East Coast Chesapeake Bay genuine crisis, please take this very seriously as your CALL TO ACTION, personally and for your families and our communities (not some distant, abstract ideas) before it is literally too late. Not being alarmist, but keeping it very real, this Earth Day 2009 must be only the moment in your life personally and ours when there is no turning back.

The environmental and economic interrelated "cancer" upon each and all of us is worse than the truly terrible Dust Bowl situation in the 1930's Great Depression years -- and yet today, as then, there might be survival IF we really stop sticking our heads in the sand, so to speak, and move as Americans beyond greed to exponentially green new opportunities to "profit the planet." Thank you.

1 comment:

Bubbly Ideas said...

I think it's about time to do something that will help our environment. Great post. - Online Garden Fountains